I cant find that book on amazon. . . any more info about it?  It sounds
pretty interesting.  ask the guy on the msgboard about the publisher

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, jurren baars wrote:

> robin pinning wrote:
> >>Does anyone else have any books they could recommend?
> >
> >ok i found Kodwo Eshun: More Brilliant than the Sun to be pretty good. tho
> >i didn't know all the music discussed which was a disadvantage. also stuff
> >in there about alice coltrane which is interesting given carl craig's
> >direction i guess. the style isn't for everyone but once you get into it
> >it's inspiring in a funny kind of way. a cd with all the tunes discussed on
> >there would have been a killer addition.
> i sort of had the same feeling when i read it 2 or 3 years ago, actually it
> pointed me towards records that are now some of my favorites. it's great as
> a reference-book, when out shopping.
> i've read it again a year and a half ago, and that was a pleasant surprise,
> as it read a LOT easier. [took me about 2 months to finish the first time,
> and less then a week on the beach the second time].
> and i've been thinking about compiling a cd, to accompany the book, sort of
> chronologically, so you can actually hear what he's talking about. and add a
> booklet with pictures of the sleeves he mentiones would have been a nice
> addition aswell. [are you writing all this down mister publisher sir?]
> i myself have started on 'Before Motown, jazz in detroit 1920-1960' after it
> got mentioned on this list a couple of months ago [then found out that i had
> allready saved an earlier post about the book 2 years prior august 6, 2001]
> and 'A Love Supreme/the creation of John Coltrane's classic album' by Ashley
> Kahn. i enjoy reading 'A Love Supreme' more, but that's probably because
> 'Before Motown' is written really fact upon fact, sort of like a history
> book [probably because it is] but both are very interesting, and highly
> recommended. especially because both writers have had the fortune to
> interview many people from that era, so the insight comes straight from the
> source. every book about these same subjects, will probably have to really
> in large part on what's written in these books.
> and i saw another book mentioned by someone on the deephousepage
> messageboard:
> 'Black Machine Music & Galactic Soul, From Disco, House to Detroit Techno'
> by Tsutomu Noda, anyone know this and care to enlighten all us
> ultra-313-techno-geeks if it's worth buying for the content, or if it's just
> something you gotta have because it says '...Detroit Techno' in the title?
> jurren
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