> I too didn't think much of Sims until the fourth time I heard him. I think
> sometimes you can hear a DJ a few times & not hear them at their best. With
> Rolando I thought he was brilliant the first time I heard him, but I've
> heard him about four times since & he's never been as good.
> My theory is that sometimes the DJs aren't really in the mood for it but
> they're getting paid so they come and do a job then go home - you've just
> gotta hope you catch them on a night where they really into it.

the above is something i kind of overlook a lot of the time whwne i see a
dj and it's so true. as much as i try and say to myself "these people are
professionals godammit" this is still art that can't be forced....(i can
say this on here and not get the usual: "they're just playing other
peoples records...what's the big deal" line :) )


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