----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sakari Karipuro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "313" <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 10:37 PM
Subject: RE: (313) Vestax or Technics

> ian cheshire wrote on Sun, 27 Jul 2003 about following:
> > of practice) emulate the reverse action thus enhancing your technique :)
> > 16 is a good feature but one simple turn of a screw and you'll have the
> not to diss anyone personally, there is ABSOLUTELY no need for pitch
> above +4% or less than -2%. if you come into such situation you don't
> have enough records with you.

I've said it before too, and I'll say it again: I could not disagree more.
Angola sounds wrong at less than +6. Heard it tonight at 0ish and it sounded
sh*t. Some Theo sounds wicked at +12. Some Jacek Sienkiewicz sounds great
at -6. Kunuyuki's 'Precious Hall' is criminally slow at less than +5. It
loses everything it needs at less than 125 BPM.

Most of your audience will not know your songs well enough to know that
vocals should be at a different pitch, and most bass will not suffer enough
to make a difference. Using +/-8 gives you a hell of a lot more room to work
when spinning less than 90 minutes. How are you going to cover any ground if
you stay within +4/-2 in a 60 minute set? That's completely limiting in my
opinion. Work that sh*t! :)

Text/Mixes/Pics: http://www.phonopsia.co.uk
Music: http://www.mp313.com

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