---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

>I just played a gig last night that had a DJ table suspended from the
>ceiling - I've seen these before but never played on one set up
this way.
>Rather odd and it took a while to get used to - never did feel 100%
>comfortable with it, as when I would back-cue the record it would
send the
>whole platform swinging back and forth.
>I can see how this suspension system is great for protecting the
>from bass rumbling and energetic DJs dancing around but I felt
like I was
>riding a ship on the high seas all night.
>(also the thing was set low around hip-level on me so my back
cramped up
>but that's beside the point)

at a jungle night in pittsburgh back about 6 years ago, they used
to suspend the tables with wires while at the same time anchoring
them to the stage as well. i never spun on it, but a ton of
deejays did and they never seemed to have any troubles and the
needles NEVER skipped even from the huge jungle bass. 




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