"It's funny because I was a spokesman for vinyl. About two years ago I said 
vinyl will never go away, vinyl this, vinyl that," he said. 
>>>end snip

I will tell you whats funny.that the bbc is just making a story on this. are 
not these decks a few years old. it would make more sence to do it on final 
scratch or tracktor or the one with the pink records dbx uses.

> Oh and the other thing that annoys me is how much the BBC always pushes
> these technologies from big companies.  This isn't news, it's just doing
> their advertising for them.  Anyway, I'd better not get into a rant
> about the tabloid style BBC news as I'll being going on for ever!

come on teh bbc is not as bad as cnn or fox news. american pop news channels 
are so bad. they make npr look librial. and i could go on for hour about this.

lansing, mi

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