La 11eme Marche sounds great on a decent sized system, especially with the mad 
breakdown flanged on a Pioneer mixer (Hi Dan ! ;-)

I'd also recommed the older Agoria track "It's Up" if you can get hold of it 



Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 18:32:37 +0100
To: <>
From: "m a t t [d]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (313) Alexander Kowalski's (was RE: (313) thanks, y'all)

oh, and the kowalski remix of agoria's 'la 11eme marche' is also fantastic.
I was wondering what list members think of agoria - I've heard 'la 11eme
marche' in a number of very different clubs - from a warehouse party to a
nasty little club here in southampton, it sounded very cheesy in the bad
club and very powerful in the warehouse so I had to grab the vinyl   they
did a v.nice mix cd 'circle room three turn' that has a lot of 313 related
tracks including some transmat material IIRC - was really impressed by it.


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