Well I missed LFO and Guy called G due to temperature overload / too
mullered to know what was on where but I have to say I was really impressed
overall and it certainly kicked the [EMAIL PROTECTED] out of homelands. What I 
caught of
Mills's set was very enjoyable - also sneak+carter back2back was great
[although the sound in that room wasn't the best] - groove armada seemed to
play quite alot  of old skool house which went down well. I wandered in near
the start of Laurent Garniers set and wasn't too impressed, but when I came
back in later he picked things up a lot and it was really kicking :) [given
he was playing for 5hrs or something daft that was kinda fair enough]. I
also seem to remember that kraft kuts guy slicing up prodigy out of space
and lee perry chase the devil which was worth the money alone !!

... I think my only real complaint was the fact that bottles of water were
being confiscated on the door and the bar certainly wasn't cheap and also
used some crazy buy-in-advance 'bar token' system which was pretty annoying.
Other than that for 30quid you cant really argue ! 

If anyones interested there are some pics I took of the eve at
http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/users/mbl/pics [you'll have to escuse the
randomness i.e. us in motorway service station the next morning pics etc !] 


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:05 PM
> Cc: Mann, Ravinder [CCS]; '313'
> Subject: RE: (313) test
> Was the Tribal Gathering thing any good??
> robin pinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 28/08/2003 15:01:46
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:   "Mann, Ravinder           [CCS]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:   "'313'" <313@hyperreal.org>
> Subject:  RE: (313) test
> > very very quiet on the list today where is everyone ?
> >
> > I listened to LFO 'Frequencies' last night in anticipation 
> of new CD 
> > on
> warp
> > and it blew me away all over again. The power of 'We Are Back' Do 
> > anyone have the release date to hand ?
> >
> just got the new three tracker on warp and saw him live at 
> tribal on saturday night and i have to say that he's gone a 
> lot harder, faster and more abrasive for the new stuff. the 
> live performance was ok but the rig couldn't handle the 
> levels that he was throwing at it.
> so if you're expecting another frequencies then u might be 
> disappointed
> i must be getting old, i like my techno a lot slower these 
> days (yeah and i mean techno, not house)
> robin...

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