dont sleep titonton. not strictly broken beat when he spins, but
85% or so. hes the bomb. broken beat isnt really a tightly mixed
kinda style. the beat patterns make it almost impossible to get
seamless mixes so dont go out expecting perfection from anyone.

I agree about Titonton... skills! and the confidence to do lots of cut-n-scratch stuff too (if you like Claude Young, it's way more towards that style than a smoother longer blending affair, by comparison). He can really get aggressive in the mix with is a sight to see, and really works up a crowd reaction.

I also agree w/ those who say a set of 100% broken-beat type of stuff is tedious and like to see it used (like any good mix) to compliment and in some cases contradict the things it's dropped in/around it (whether the other elements are house or techno -- or both -- I like the combination). I've never seen Dego DJ yet, but in all the mixes I've heard from him online, almost all of them have a nice variety of non-broken type tracks too.

I saw Orrin Walters DJ at that (now legendary) Planet E DEMF afterparty a few years back... I was already a fan of many of his productions, (esp. Neon Phusion) but this was my first time seeing him at a DJ. Can't remember his mixing style per se, but the tracks were all ace, smooth spacey/techno-ey and Co-Op style sounds... I lost it when he mixed into "Timeless Motion" at full volume that gurgling bassline just ate up the room. He was way upstaris in that space and not a ton of people up there to hear him and it was a shame, because he laid down some gorgeous jaw-dropping tracks. All bathed in this weird blue light up there, very memorable.

Matt MacQueen

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