If anyone is interested, before Groovetech went down I had recorded a few archived DJ sets. I was planning on recording the entire DEMF 2000, but my plans were suddenly cut short due to a certain Rolling Stones' bad management of his money and companies.....or whatever the story is....maybe he deserves it.....but since I am not a higher power and cannot judge, here are the few sets I have saved:

Blake Baxter @ Groovetech Studios
Kevin Saunderson @ DEMF 2000
Kenny Larkin @ DEMF 2000

I am especially mad that I wasn't able to get the D. May, Stacey Pullen, or KDJ (playing records, dancing, talkin about tha D.....tha best) sets. There were so many more bad ass sets, but whatever. Maybe someday we will all be able to buy them in a boxed set...hint hint to Groovetech backers looking for money to make up for your losses..... I also have a friend that has a few more performances saved (Adult, Aril Brikha, and some other classic shiznit). If anyone is interested, lemme know.

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