kent williams wrote:
> Here's a good one for the german speakers -- what the fick does 'pluckernder'
> mean?  I can't find it in any German dictionaries on line; it seems to be
> an adjective that only occurs in recently written record reviews.

hmm, tough one :-)
this word exists only in colloquial language,
it is (at least a little bit) onomatopoeic and
describes a sound. i don't know if there is an
equivalent in english language...?

'pluckernd' might sound like a slightly bubbling
cooking liquid in a big receptacle but it doesn't
sound muffled, it's a more clear sound...
'pluckernd' will more likely create a soundscape
or something that "bubbles" steadily, rather than
a distinctive rhythm.
... does that make sense?

note: this is my personal imagination of 'pluckernd'
music. other german native speakers *might* want to
argue about the exact description of 'pluckernd' ;-)



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