Well, if they are they are clearly crazy - after all the sh*t they went
through with him - are you sure they are still working with him Fred...

Did you ever meet Stevo's brother Joe - gessshhhhh....

Martin d


> Well, I think Stevo does pay Soft Cell a bit.  Otherwise I doubt they would
> still be working with him.
> telepathic regards,
> fRED
> on 10/10/03 5:23 AM, Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Got to say I understand Fred's viewpoint and why he said what he did and why
>> he was angry - Stevo was/is a real Sh*t of a man, he never paid anyone and
>> still doesn't. It's kinda hard as an artist to see things getting sold and
>> going down well, while you have red bills/children to feed and nothing
>> coming in. I was around when some of this stuff was going on and it not nice
>> seeing grown adults reduced to tears by a dickhead.
>> I'm glad things are sorted out with TigerSushi, I just wish someone would
>> sort Stevo out...
>> martin
>> 9/10/03 6:14 PM FRED [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sincere telepathic apologies to TigerSushi for being confused and thinking
>>> that they were bootlegging Psychic TV.  For the record they did not bootleg
>>> the old Psychic TV track "Ov Power" for their TigerSushi release.  Charles
>>> and I have cleared up this confusion directly.
>>> It appears that TigerSushi is a reputable company licensing tracks from
>>> another company that has a checkered past that they were not aware of.
>>> It's not fun getting taken advantage of by people in the music business.
>>> TigerSushi were stuck in the middle on this one.
>>> My sentiments are always with the Artists.
>>> Remember this Environ wisdom "then don't act surprised when artists can't
>>> afford to make music anymore and labels go under."
>>> telepathic regards,
>>> fRED aka
>>> the kooky scientist

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