----- Original Message ----- 
From: "john harvey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "313" <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 11:00 AM
Subject: (313) public life

> great to meet everyone, really good night!
> fabric was good too.

Good to meet you too John! I just got home after crazy birthday party
shenanigans post-Public Life. I have much to report.

First, it was a fantastic night. I don't think Public Life has been so
rammed since NYE. WHO WERE ALL THOSE PEOPLE??? Regardless, the music was
splendid all night, and the dancefloor responded (even if the nexus of
activity seemed to be focus on the bar and the new barmaid ;).

I have many pictures. I also have a recording. I also seriously f*cked the
recording, and beyond that *we* seriously f*cked the recording based on our
output options. Here's the story: after the first 2 1/2 hours I switched the
minidisc and battery to gear up for the remainder. Unfortunately, I forgot
to unpause it from record until 1:00, so we missed the fury that was Matt
Chester, Brendan and Guy's sets between 11:30 and 1:00. In addition, what is
recorded is severely hosed because the only available output was the send,
so we wound up getting a recording of everything in cue (which didn't become
apparent until about an hour ago). I tell ya, nothing like listening to the
previous night's mixing on the tube on a Sunday morning, especially when you
can hear every move the DJ makes in order to get things on beat! So.. we
prolly won't have an archive of this one. I'll take 50% of the
responsibility, and share the remainder with Brendan and Guy. Guy will
surely pass his share off on to Brendan for getting him pissed the night
before, so you really have no one to blame but me and Brendan. We suck.

HOWEVER... I have some photos, and so does Guy, so we shall share them soon.
I may try to sleep first. Again, the music was fantastic all night. The
[313] massive really showed its stuff!


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