The problem is that I can't understand how the big companies didn't take care about that "Internet" crisis before...Its something who started more than 5 years ago. And the result is due to a passive behaviour from the big companies in front of the birth of that crisis !?! I almost think that, it's a really good opportunity for them to cut thousands of jobs, to increase the profit. And after they'll have cut all this job...they'll find a solution to stop the crisis, increase their profit again, and finaly never recover all the jobs they cutted ...??? I can believe they need 6 years or more to find a solution to this kind of problem...and their kind of cd copy protections were each time good (belgian) jokes !!!
Its just what I think... and wonder...

Fabrice Lig

From: "Martijn de Blaauw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (313) article
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 15:22:43 +0200 (CEST)

Out of the guardian from today..not about techno but about piracy
affecting the big music companies..interesting read (at least for me:-),3604,1064248,00.html



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