---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

>its all about feel, not the instruments.  use the same old
>shxt if you want to sound like a bad rip-off of everything
>that someone else already DID, or follow your heart and
>maybe you'll end up with detroit techno, maybe you'll end
>up with something "better" or maybe something different.
> maybe you could make a name for YOURSELF and stop
>re-inforcing the stagnation of detroit techno.  this is a
>result of a few pioneers and a whoooole lotta
>for something as expansive as music, to limit yourself
>before you even write the first note is both a disservice
>to yourself, the listener, and music as a whole.

i like using sh*tty equipment. my yamaha tx81z is brilliant, and
it was incredibly cheap. its good for sounds that are "detroity"
in the classic definition, yet its also capable of much much more.
i did at one point have a 909, and i still have a 101, which i
find to be one of the most "fun" to use synths out there. and
while it is greatly limited in what it can do, it is still quite
useful. i bought a bunch of cheap-ish analogue synths to make
music with. for the price of an access virus, i bought a
sequential circuits 6 trak, crumar performer, sh-101. tx81z, and a
hammond m3 organ. i also have a sampler and a couple other older
analogues. the sound im working on right now is very much my own,
while still indebted to the things that have influenced me:
detroit house and techno, old school drum and bass, jamaican dub,
etc. i would feel stupid trying to straight up emulate things that
have already been made. where's the art in that? 




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