Can I also just add the mighty Oliver Who Factory from Detroit- a little bit like Chain Reaction meets Prescription Underground with vocals and def. giving me hairs standing up on the back of my neck for a while there. Also almost everything on Crack+Speed from France as well as I:Cube, some really nice heavy stuff from Tony Rhor in New York, the return of Orlando Voorn, Jackson- Utopia, everything on Dirk (soundhack in da house!)Reflex The Tempo 7" on Faith+Hope, Arrest The President (UK Hip Hop- phenominominominal!), Akufen actually doing some good tracks as Horror Inc (!), fabrice Lig pushing himself a bit on Roots Of the Future, and loads, loads, loads more- I think this has been one of the best years for music in a long time- every time I've been away somewhere recently (thanks Tristan!) I've found about 20 new records on labels I've never heard of doing stuff I never imagined was possible- heads down into next year and hoping for the return of the Orginator, the Innovator and the other one just to cap it all off.

Jason Brunton

On 17 Dec 2003, at 22:45, Tom Churchill wrote:

Well, it's that time of year again - inspired by Tristan getting the ball rolling, here's some of the records that have stood out for me this year. It's been a particularly good year for techno I think - even though all the little labels are selling very low numbers, the quality is better than ever.
Loads of new talent coming through, lots of old favourites keeping the
quality high, and lots of styles and sounds merging.

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