On 14-jan-04, at 22:53, atomly wrote:

i understand your love/concern/hurt/pain whatever, but damn man...this is a friggin genre of music...there are way more important things to invest time in philantropically and plus...he's not 'from' chicago...he doesn't 'owe'
anybody anything except more good music maybe...

chill the f**k out

I never said he owned anybody anything, just that he takes a lot from
the scene and gives nothing back, therefore I choose not to support him.
You can make whatever choice you want, as long as that choice is not to
call me "junior."

I don't know what makes you think that Jeff Mills never gives something back? I have heard from very reliable people that he give a lot of money to people who need it, he just does not do it for us all to see...


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