At 09:47 AM 2/2/2004, Brendan Nelson wrote:
Ah, but I'd say there's an extent to which a lot of these males are kind of forced into a situation like that - you could spend *years* looking around for someone whose mindset and interests are very compatible with your own, but because most people fall more into the "ornament" category, that's who you're most likely to end up with.

Given the choice, I think most techno-geek sort of blokes would go for an "intrinsically knowledgable 'chick'" over an "ornament" any day!

I would like to believe that there's a bit of a continuum between "intrinsically knowledge chica" and "ornament". There's more knowledge than techno! :O

unsigned short int to_yer_mama;
Matthew Kane : Software Engineer : Zebra Technologies, Inc.

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