DUST 1st Birthday Party. We are 1, We are Back
Pledging his Support

Talent Borrows, Genius Steals, Sh1theads Copy.
A fine first year for the Dust: corporate free clubbing organisation. The
uptown city trance has been blown away, thanks to Dust¹s firm techno stance
and help from its underground brothers and sisters. Although funky house is
popping up in the chain bars rather disturbingly. They will be dealt with.
To celebrate our birthday, Dust are bringing the Sheffield public a present
they well and truly deserve (Dust don¹t receive, we just give), Mr Andrew
Weatherall. A pioneering legend, The Don, who has truly earned the kudos
history has bestowed on him and it¹s a pleasure for us to bring him to you
and needless to say he will be crossing genres like a chicken crosses a

A new venue has been secured for the occasion, the legendary Earl of Arundel
& Surrey of Queens Road, Sheffield for which the Dust crew will be taking
over unmercifully. A Dust Pub if you will. You would be a fool to miss it;
only 250 tickets will be made available, so get in there now to avoid
disappointment. Dust¹s anti-corporate stance is touching a nerve within the
cities underground and along with others is going from strength to strength

Andrew will be supported by the all powerful Dust residents, Aitcho, Carl
Taylor, Bionika and Ian Orto who will be plugging into the grid to make
electronic living very real.

Check us out http://www.dustclub.com

Corporate Free [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Saturday 6th March Earl of Arundel & Surrey
DUST 1st Birthday Party, We are 1, We are Back.
Large Dust Social Room
Andy Weatherall 
+ Dust Residents 
Aitcho/Bionika/Carl Taylor/Ian Orto

Tax: £7 - Ticket Only Event
Tickets available from: The Store and Low Life,
Buy on Line Here: http://www.dustclub.com/nextevent.html

Only 250 tickets available. Hurry Children, Hurry.

Timefix: 9 - till very late indeed.
Earl of Arundel & Surrey, 528 Queens Road, Sheffield.

Dresscode: No jugglers, No Clowns, No Face paint, No Moustaches, No
percussionists! Shirter Techno People, No Dad House or Son's of Pikey

There will be a tout outside early doors but he only has 20 tickets and will
be charging a tenner each and they will go as soon as.

Tickets contacts; available from 7/02/04::
Low Life = 18 Hickmott Rd, Hunters Bar, Sheffield, S11 8QF
Tel: +44 (0)114 2669433
Store Records = Unit 4, Aberdeen Court, 95-97 Division Street, Sheffield,
S14 GE 
Tel: +44 (0)114 2784 933

Or send a cheque to: Dust Club c/o, Dust Science Recordings Ltd, PO BOX
3542, Sheffield, S8 9WU. Make cheques payable to "Dust Science Ltd" and add
£1 postage and packaging. Final date for cheques in 1/03/04.
No Paying Guest List.

Club - http://www.dustclub.com
Community - http://www.littledetroit.net
Label ­   http://www.dustscience.net

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