one more - Larry Heard's "Alien" - a nice mix between house and ambient
techno and completely in outerspace


                              To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
                      02/09/04 11:32 AM            Subject:  Re: (313) techno 

I love getting the chance to lay back, throw on some headphones, and take
in a complete techno LP - it's a slightly different experience than
listening to rock albums.
Closest experience I could think of would be something like Pink Floyd - if
they had great dance tunes. More of a point A to point Z and every stop in
between type of experience.
Not necessarily a concept album but sometimes it helps keep things

Not counting artists like Yello, Kraftwerk, YMO, etc. that came out of a
time that the LP was essential I'd have to say that my favorite techno LPs
Stacey Pullen - Todayisthetomorrowyouwerepromisedyesterday
Kenny Larkin - Azymuth
Dan Curtin - Pregenesis
Mr. Velcro Fastener - Thales of Miletos
Carl Craig - More Songs About Food and Revolutionary Art
Stasis - From the Old to the New
Darren Price - Underneath the Flightpath
Stacey Pullen - The Theory of Silent Phase

I'd have to say  Stacey Pullen and Kenny Larkin, arguably, make the best
techno LPs that work as a whole or broken down into single tracks. I can't
think of a single tune on any of their LPs that I wouldn't be able to slip
into a DJ set and not have it be a highlight of the set. They are just so
good at composing complete works.


                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      com                      To:


                      02/09/04 07:47 AM        Subject:  (313) techno LP's

I always have this argument with my mate about techno lps.

He says that techno LP's are in general something you never sit down and
listen to all the way through, therefore rendering them useless as LP's -
they may as well be 12"s. And his argument is that compilations are far
more suited to the genre.

I half agree. I virtually never listen to a techno LP all the way through -
however, without the techno LP, we'd have missed out on alot of good
alot of the time I buy a techno LP, it's for one track or two I suppose.

so - what's the best techno LP you have? (as a full listening experience)

No compilations allowed. Just seeing if I missed any that are worth picking


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