I love listening to Sterac's 'Secret Life Of Machines' LP all the way through. Unfortunately I have to go to my friends house in another city to do so but it's definitely worth it. Aphex's 'SAW Vol 1.' is another - though luckily it only involves travelling to my hifi.

At 03:09 pm +0000 9/2/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 >I must be wierd, probably borderline autistic as I listen to all LPs all
way through at least once - including Tresor compilations!

Ha! I think it might be me thats a bit weird Ken, I have the attention span
of a 5 year old child.
no, I do tend to listen through once or twice, but rarely after that,
unless its something I really love.
doesnt help that my girlfriend aint a big techno fan I suppose. Gone are
the days of getting 2 hours of peace to listen to music!

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