this will change.

within the next 3 years you will see apple and other communications
companies becoming quasi-labels.

as major record companies lose their powerful role as manufacturers and
distributors - they will become marketing departments and that's all. the
days of record companies asking for 70% revenue shares of sales are over.

there is no reason that in 3 years time, when the majority of all legit
music sales are digital that apple and similar won't start dangling
contracts in front of recording artists. revenue shares will become more
realistic and hopefully it will be possible for less successful musicians to
make a moderate revenue.

on 11/2/04 3:10 AM, Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> sale.  Suddenly that 99 cent song you just bought has a cost of 50 cents.
>> Split 
>> that 50/50 with the artist and everyone makes 25 cents.  As you can see
>> nobody
>> is going to get rich any time soon.
> Read on fella...

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