on 11/2/04 7:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

> Sounds like what mp3.com was supposed to be but I don't think for a minute
> that will actually happen that way
> Apple and other communications companies are not altruistic entities - they
> are in it for the money
> what other communications companies are you talking about? Clear Channel?
> Time-Warner? Microsoft?

at this stage i'm talking about apple, napster, od2 and the other forefront
digi download channels

> if they become quasi-labels then I guarantee you they will have
> not-so-quasi-contracts.

of course not. this is the real world and change is gradual. their contracts
will be real but they will ask for a smaller share of reveneue than that
consistenly asked for by major labels

> they may not call themselves major record labels but they will act like
> them (and maybe worse since many large corporations are now considered
> individual entities by the law and aren't held responsible in the same way
> smaller business are). The artist will make a contract with the "marketing
> department" then and music will get even more recycled. The marketing
> department will take over all aspects of how to market a band because it
> will be a product. The artist will be, even more concretely, a sub-brand of
> the label. That is what marketing departments do.

yes - i'm saying that record labels will no longer own the means of
manufacture and distribution. this is their power base - it is slowly
disappearing - record comapnies are undergoing a massive restrcture atm.
they have shed 1000s of jobs worldwide.

>> the days of record companies asking for 70% revenue shares of sales are
> over.
> what makes you so sure?

i work in the industry and i've seen it happen already.

> they still will have major control of distribution - look at iTunes - how
> many websites would you have to visit to get 20% of the music they have
> available?
 just one. go to kazaa and download their software.

> And if you found them all online what percentage would be able
> to sell the tune directly to you? The monopoly is just going to change
> hands 

yes you're probably right to a degree - with 5 major labels its actually
more of an oligopoly at the moment.

> I don't see it as being as equal as you do - it never has been so why would
> the already large companies who have the technological jump on it (Apple,
> etc.) 

i never said it would be equal - this is the real world, nothing is black
and white and that includes the debate over file sharing and the future of
music. i see it becoming more equal than it is....perhaps I'm an optmist. i
have been witness to the disgusting behaviour of major record labels, as far
as I'm concerned I would be suprised if we reached a situation where the
power wielded by major record labels was as immense as it was up until the
late 90's/

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