-----Original Message-----
From: David Bate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 9 March 2004 8:45 a.m.
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) 313's Signal to noise ratio

> correct me if i'm wrong, but most of the noise i'm seeing today is in
> the form of complaints regarding noise.  kind of ironic, right?

Ironic, but that's the way one has to do it, when one is on a self
moderated list.  We can't write to a moderator and have them step in, it's
that we have to ourselves.   There's good and bad to a self moderated
list, but it's the way that 313 has been doing it for the last 10 years.

> delete takes a second.  let people say what they want to say.  noise is
> an inherent part of any community, online or real life.

At least for me, maybe I'm slower then some people, but delete's take more
then a second for me. When I'm presented with 50-100 messages and some of
them are good and some of them are bad, you have to go through the bad
ones to find out which are the good ones.  That's why I think Phred
that he only reads emails from people's who he knows, as most of the time,
people aren't even talking about the subject that is on the subject line,
so you think you're reading about something that you're really not.  I
kind of think of it as lurking SPAM.  Noise is an inherent part of any
I do agree, but we use filters to try to reduce that noise.  The
particular filter on this list is "313", and that's how I have attempted
to reduce
the noise for non 313 stuff. Unfortunately, I don't see very much stuff
about Detroit Techno on this list...  I know many people who have just left
the list and don't want to deal with it. I've been lurking on this list
since just after it started, when I was logging in with my 14.4 baud modem
on my Mac Plus ( I know, I was behind the times, even then!) and the signal
to noise ratio has never been so high as it has in the last year or two.

Also, using the 313 as a chat room, goes against 1 of few rules that we
have on here:

* List members are here for a reason, keep your posts on topic, using 313
as chat room is not permitted.

> and here's my attempt to start a more interesting thread:
> lately i can't get enough of: _________ (theo parrish jill scott
> "slowly surely")

Remember... please insert DETROIT related artist here ;)

Have a good DETROIT day to you all  ...


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