I wasn't blaming the record labels (not most of them anyway) for the rising price of imported records, Im just complaining about the price tag thats stuck to the record, regardless of how it got there.

Anyway, the most important part of my email was the reviews. I dont intend to start a big political thing, though i suppose its inevitable when talking about money. i just wanted to review some records.


On Monday, March 8, 2004, at 02:10 PM, theREALmxyzptlk wrote:

oh and one more thing. I dont know about the rest of the vinyl buyers and spinners in the US, but Im sick of seeing records commonly go for $11.50 and $12. Luciano's single release on Peacefrog is being sold locally for $14 Thank you Mr. Heard, for releasing quality house music in the USA for the price of $7. i tip my hat to you, and please continue!

Anyone is welcomed to step up and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the skyrocketing vinyl prices have a lot to it being imported and the weak dollar - especially next to the euro right now. Customs is really persnickety on big boxes of it entering in the US, too.


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