> > Simon Price and Kitty Empire) repeating the
> > tired old cliche that - to quote Empire by way of example - 'Kraftwerk's
> > austere music has brought them misguided accusations of being fascists'.
> And neither am I, nor are you ... but Stockhausen has said that he
> all music with a steady beat because it reminds him of the martial
> of fascism.

Then he must hate most music, as there's nearly alway's "something" holding
time and the beat. The problem is people seem to tar everyone German with
the same brush and if they refuse to look beyond the end of their nose -
tough luck on them I say. Wearing a suit and being German doesn't make you a
fascists, in fact the way they subverted everything is very interesting.

> Repetetive beats are powerful (duh?) and in the right context can unite
> and synchronize a crowd. It's all in whether you use that power for good
> or evil; just as skillful oratory has the power to persuade.

They don't own anything (Nazi's), check history - all they did was repeat
many things that have gone before.


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