As someone who is from detroit and getting ready to
enter the teacher work force this cuts deep. I'm glad
this was posted to the list-I think it adds some more
dimension to a city that is just referred to here in a
techno context.

 I'm also glad to see the article mentioned the no
child left behind act. In the whole cycle of
everything, these kind of actions kill a city. How can
you expect a city to thrive when it's
schools/communities can't even support themselves?
What happens when the foundation starts to crumble?

Truely sad.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> yep true and sad........
>       -----Original Message-----
>       From: Katrin Richter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>       Sent: Mon 05/04/2004 10:56 
>       To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>       Cc: 
>       Subject: AW: (313) Detroit schools to cut 3,200
> jobs
>       Well, I guess this says it all:
>       "Ninety percent of the remaining students are
> African-American, with more than 7 out of 10
> students coming from families living below the
> official poverty level."
>       -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>       Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       Gesendet: Montag, 5. April 2004 11:37
>       An: Katrin Richter;
>       Betreff: RE: (313) Detroit schools to cut 3,200
> jobs
>       so the simple thing is to invest :)
>       I know we all have a soft spot for Detroit and so I
> am be a little biased here but is it me
>       or is detroit picked on?  I think they should if
> they ae doing cut backs, use the money to invest in
> the city
>       not make matters worse..
>               -----Original Message-----
>               From: Katrin Richter
>               Sent: Mon 05/04/2004 09:49
>               To:
>               Cc:
>               Subject: (313) Detroit schools to cut 3,200
> jobs
>               I guess this is on topic as school was the
> only place to hook up for
>               Derrick, Kevin and Juan as there was
> nowhere else to go
>               Detroit schools to cut 3,200 jobs
>               By Jerry Isaacs
>               3 April 2004
>               Use this version to print | Send this link
> by email | Email the author
>               Detroit Public Schools officials announced
> Thursday the district would lay
>               off 3,200 school employees, including 900
> teachers, by July 1. The job cuts,
>               which amount to 13 percent of the
> workforce, are in response to a budget
>               shortfall of $78 million last year and a
> projected deficit of $91 million in
>               2005, officials say.
>               The cuts in the $1.5 billion budget follow
> an announcement last month that
>               an additional 450 administrators could lose
> their jobs. The district, which
>               already faces chronic overcrowding in the
> classrooms, also plans to shut at
>               least three schools, in addition to the 16
> closed or consolidated last year.
>               The budget for supplies and purchased
> services will be cut by more than
>               one-third to save $50 million, with funding
> for playground improvements
>               slashed from $1 million to $250,000.
>               The layoffs will wreak havoc, particularly
> for teachers who are already
>               short-handed and stretched to the limit.
> "You could see a gym teacher who is
>               certified in kindergarten through six grade
> become a homeroom teacher, or an
>               instrumental teacher might have to go back
> to the classroom," district
>               spokesman Mario Morrow said.
>               Kenneth Burnley, CEO of the Detroit Public
> Schools, said he also plans to
>               renegotiate the district's contract with
> the Detroit Federation of Teachers
>               in order reduce or eliminate 3-4 percent
> annual raises that teachers are
>               due.
>               The 151,000-student school district-the
> largest in the state-has been hit
>               hard by federal and state budget cuts, the
> ongoing loss of manufacturing
>               jobs and tax revenue in Michigan, rising
> fuel costs and a decline in
>               enrollment. Over the last eight years
> nearly 30,000 students have
>               transferred to charter, private and
> suburban schools. Ninety percent of the
>               remaining students are African-American,
> with more than 7 out of 10 students
>               coming from families living below the
> official poverty level.
>               Facing a $1 billion state deficit,
> Michigan's Democratic governor Jennifer
>               Granholm and the state legislature are
> cutting per-pupil grants for K-12
>               education by $55 per student and revising
> the formula for counting pupils in
>               schools, in order to slash another $43
> million from state spending for
>               schools. In the proposed state budget,
> Detroit could also lose another $15
>               million it has been receiving since the
> state took over the district in
>               1999. On Wednesday the state senate also
> rejected a plan that would have
>               given extra money to districts with
> declining enrollments.
>               Because of stagnating or falling revenue
> school districts throughout
>               Michigan are facing budget cuts and
> layoffs. According to Tom White,
>               executive director of the Michigan School
> Business officials, 90 percent of
>               state districts are planning to lay off
> staff or not fill open positions.
>               "It's like getting squeezed by a python,"
> he said, the "pressure just is
>               increasing as time goes by. It is going to
> get ugly and I don't hear a great
>               deal of concern being raised in [the state
> capital] Lansing."
>               Like other districts nationwide, Detroit
> schools are also threatened by the
>               provisions of the Bush administration's
> 2001 federal education plan, the
>               so-called No Child Left Behind Act, which
> removes federal funds if districts
>               fail to achieve specific academic goals.
> One quarter of the district's
>               schools have already been warned they must
> overhaul their operations because
>               of "chronic failure." The school district
> received a federal reading grant
>               of nearly $6.5 million in August but
> continued funding hinges on
>               1st-through-8th and 10th-graders passing
> tests at the end of the school
>               year. The budget cutbacks announced
> Thursday all but ensure future failures,
>               guaranteeing even more devastating budget
> cuts.
>               "We don't need any more cuts," said Mary, a
> longtime Detroit school bus
>               driver. "What is going to happen to the
> kids with special needs, the
>               disabled and impaired students? We heard
> they plan to take away the bus
>               attendants that help us in the busses with
> handicapped students. This is
>               outrageous.
>               "The conditions are already unbearable in
> the schools. Buildings are falling
>               apart, there is no toilet paper or soap in
> the bathrooms, the classrooms are
>               overcrowded and the teachers are spending
> money out of their own pockets for
>               supplies. These budget cuts are taking the
> future away from our kids. With
>               the casinos downtown making millions and
> CEOs are raking it in how can they
>               say there is no money for schools?
>               "You know the economy is way down when you
> start taking away from schools
>               that are already hurting. How can you talk
> about 'No Child Left Behind' when
>               you are laying off teachers?"
>               See Also:
>               Detroit school employees march against
> layoffs
>               [22 February 2002]
>               Detroit school restructuring plan attacks
> workers and students
>               [17 April 2001]
=== message truncated ===

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