Well, Ferenc's agent told me that he doesn't think the US audience
understands what it is he's trying to do, or what he's about.

I disagree, of course, but he doesn't listen to me, obviously ;)


>>he's told his agents that he never wants to play in the US again
> Did he state for what reason?
> This isn't the first time I've heard this and I'm sure many
> other list members have heard artists say this.
> US artists who rarely play in the US or who leave the US to live elsewhere
> because they are requested to play more often in other countries
> and
> DJs/musicicans from other countries that have played in the US but now
> refuse to
> what reasons have other artists stated as their reason for immigrating or
> refusing to play in the states?
> frustrates me that this happens (although in certain cases I understand)

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