I think that that is the software used because it is the most secure,
although I am not 100% sure.

-----Original Message-----
From: robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 April 2004 4:05 
To: 313
Subject: Re: (313) Oliverwho/ Realaudio OT rant

very interesting stuff there...will have to keep an eye out the that. i 
like the u don't know track on mci-001.

and totally off topic but i wish people would realise that RealAudio 
files suck in a massive way (almost as bad as any kind of Microsoft 
format). Realplayer is clunky spyware that i'm forced to install to 
listen to stuff on record shop sites grr

ok rant over


Dr. Nutcracker wrote:
>>what sort of thing is it? techno record??
>>any clips anywhere?
> You should be able to find them on http://www.undercity-072.com/ud 
> and there is a third twelve following soon... 
> : )

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