Well the reason I mentioned the track initially is because I played it on the 
show on Friday, so yes, I have heard it ;P

As for pop, what I meant was the aspect of composition that is about creating 
melodies and pleasing chord changes/harmonies as opposed to the 
rhythmic/repetitive aspect. To my ear, the Larkin tune is quite 'pop' in this 
sense (amongst other things), but then I'd also say that 'Codebreaker' or 
'Strings' are pop tunes.

I agree that atmosphere is very important, this is something that lasts 
throughout a track (hopefully) whereas pop is about an instantaneous hit or 
series of hits. I think pop is important for techno, and many of my favourite 
tunes are those with great pop moments ('Game One' springs to mind). But I also 
love music totally devoid of pop from Mills or Basic Channel.

You wrote:
> I can't understand why you are talking about pop songs? I don't know if you=
 heard this new track by Kenny but I only can say that I don't see the pop =
appeal in this tune.....
Like you said, it's not the next new style he is inventing here but I also =
don't think that this was his goal. If you mean pop song as a track with a =
message and a certain feel than this new track from Kenny is pop, okay! If =
you mean an airplay compatible tune then you're wrong, sorry! it's a "retro=
" (I hate that word!) housey piano track with a smooth feel and nice melodi=
es. Not more but also not less! I still think the most important thing in m=
usic is if you get an impression, a feel, an athmosphere when you listen to=
 tracks. Having a mesage is much more important that having invented a new =
style without what we call soul.
I don't need the newest super-duper mega software generated synthesizer sou=
nd if it doesn't catch my ear and most important my mind and soul....

Greetz, Arne

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