From: FRED giannelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2004 19:33:01 -0400
To: Adam Haupt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (313) Caspar Pound RIP

on 5/5/04 7:13 PM, Adam Haupt at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> "Well, it wasn't meant that way F* wit."
> You sure?
I'm positive - prick.

> "I remember the first time I met him, he came up to me"
> Big name respected by 313, your input is that he came up to you.

I think you are reading too much into this buddy.  "A Homeboy, A Hippie and
A Funky Dread" had a huge hit in the UK in '88.  I didn't know Caspar
personally then but I did know Mixmaster Morris and they approached me with
this funny idea they had.  Does this put it in context for you ?
> "in NYC @ the New Music Seminar"
> Place drop.

So .... ?
> "in 1990 or 1991"
> Time drop.

So.... ?
> "with Mixmaster Morris"
> Name drop.

So.... ?

> "and said he wanted to make a record with me"
> I dont normally reply but your response to this guys death smacked of
> pride/ego.  

I think you are seriously confused.  How you can read into my telling of a
funny idea Casper had and my remembrance of it on this list as a way of
"blowing my own horn in his eulogy" is beyond me.  You really must be a
complete twit and your response to me smacks of your pride/ego.  You seem to
be the one who wants to make YOUR response to my remembrance public.

Perhaps you are too dim to get the joke that Casper made, or too full of
pride/ego to keep your confusion private.

telepathic regards,

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