---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

>But, and here's the thing. Can Metro Area really lay 'claim' to 
that sound?
>Given, they were the first to update stuff in that manner, but I 
>have said it was a 'new' sound, there's alot of records from the 
early 80's
>that sound a lot like Metro Area in my opinion. David 
Keaton's "Space
>Control" on Roulette sounds very Metro Area I think. There's 
flippin loads,
>I can't even think of them off the top of my head, I'll have to 
>through my records. I dunno, electronic boogie records are what I 
call 'em.

i feel you on that, metro area are definitely very retro in their 
sound. however, they mastered that atmosphere of detroit techno 
and chicago tracky house that those old boogie records dont quite 
capture. (speaking of those electro boogie records, theres a mix 
CD out by kenny dope of old electroboogie cuts, mostly famous 
stuff like "heartbeat" but still a really fun mix. i wanna start 
throwing house/disco/boogie parties at a roller rink, but im broke 
and theres no roller rinks in the actual city limits of 

>Having said that, I do think Metro Area is a very ace project. 
I'd like to
>see it go further now, I reckon vocals and song stuff would go 
>like this, and those two would make pretty great producers of 
that sort of
>stuff I think.

erlend oye's "ghost trains" was produced by morgan geist and i 
still play that damn near every time i deejay. ive been pulling 
out more and more metro area and morgan geist cuts to play as well 
recently, getting way too excited about the new one coming up. 
ived also been working on some tracks that unintentionally have 
ended up sounding like a bad knock off of metro area way too much. 
i guess its a result of me listening to alot of the same stuff 
they combined to make their music as well as having alot of 
vintage synths, but its still annoying : ) 




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