---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

>haha no my math sucks, you're right. but still, are mp3's that 
>more than vinyl? if you sell 1000 records there is considerably 
>profit...oh well, whatever.

i dont know, just judging by how many people use slsk and other 
p2ps, if only a small tiny fraction of those people bought the mp3 
it would be way more than 1000 DLs. if final scratch and CDJs 
become popular, many many people in far away places can DL your 
tunes without any problem. and you wouldnt have to worry about 
irritating distros. how many people here have distros in india or 
africa picking up their tunes? id bet not many if any at all. but 
those people could easily DL your tunes from a site for a small 
fee and play them out. i talked to some african cats recently who 
were telling me that they dont even use vinyl at all there, theyve 
been using CDs for as long as he could remember. this could really 
break open a true world market for a pretty universal style of 




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