Few other items I haven't seen covered yet (and actually remember :)...


The way they ended their set was pretty sweet. They went from ‘The Final Frontier' to 'The Punisher,' then marched off stage around the back, while the track was still playing. It was the ultimate BOO-YAA, we are done, good-bye, don't mess with us moment. Dex stayed up there though and faded the track out, and then DJ 3000 came on.


And how about that cut they way playing when those guys in turbans were riding across the desert with swords on their horses? It was like Lawrence of Arabia. That was madness. I'm thinking it is a yet to be released UR track? I hope so.


Other tracks I remember hearing were 'First Galactic Baptist Church,' 'Soulsaver,' ‘Sonic Destroyer’ and did some else mention ‘Hi-Tech Jazz?’


There were also numerous shots of the D, some robots that were fighting during Sonic Destroyer, Bruce Lee and Jazz Musicians that I didn’t recognize on the projector.


Truly one of the greatest live performances of music I have ever witnessed. On the drive home we just sat there in awe, no words, no music, just the tires humming on the road.


Good times.




>From: Greg Earle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: 313@hyperreal.org
>To: 313@hyperreal.org
>Subject: Re: (313) Timeline (WAS RE: (313) Movement report (for alex :P))
>Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 14:17:16 -0700
>On Jun 2, 2004, at 11:35 AM, Erin Bate wrote:
>>I wasn't there however I did get a call at the beginning of their
>>and Journey of the Dragons was playing, I also heard Final
>OK, that does it, I think I'm off to commit ritualistic hara-kiri  
>Been nice knowing you all.
> - (A very, very depressed) Greg

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