Quest Pond:

Just for
>information what the hell did they use for master timing on most detroit
>records that gives awful timing slip and inconsistencies? I know
>splicing is
>to blame somewhat but im sure there is a machine at fault in most early
>detoit stuff? Alesis mmt8 maybe? Analog master timing maybe?

I remember this being talked over before - but it remains an interesting, if
somewhat geek-of-geeks type subject! ;-)

The reasons given I remember include as you suggest Quest early equipment
which quantized badly, also, the method of making a breakdown by pausing the
machine - rather then by actually programming a break - and starting it up
again after some other line has played - bless! :-) - I hadn't heard/thought
about the splicing thing, although it makes sense.

You know what? Like many imperfections of early Detroit techno etc, I really
appreciate them! They're part of what I love about this music. Nothing is
more anethema to me than shiny perfection .... I won't rehash the reasons as
I'm sure we all know them and I know many share my opinion (although I can
only speak of MOHO here, of course).


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