I think that music is a very pure form of human emotional expression and for
me, that product (in this case, the music I make) is cheapened when I attach
a price tag to it in any way.  performance is a whole different story.

when i first was confronted with this choice (release or not), I was very
excited and then realized I was excited because of the ego-feed of having a
record out.  I wouldnt have made much and the little fame means nothign to
me.  a life as a musician would not fulfill my long term aspirations, so I
decided taht I would be a part time audio mangler, and give it away for free
as long as anyone wanted to listen.  the only reason I continue to consider
release of any of my tracks is because it helps get more live shows, which
is what I really enjoy.

I dont think bootlegging is ok, because thats attacking some peoples
livelihood (the affected musicians) but I also think it should indicate to
the artist that there is a market gap to be filled.  you can either fill it
with undoubtadly higher quality re-releases and make money, or you can lose
the money, send expensive lawyers after the bootleggers, and end up broke
but with a whole load of artistic integrity.

no one has to agree with this, as I know its not a very common point of
view, but since you asked ... :)))


----- Original Message ----- 
Cc: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: (313) 'Moodyman': 'The Silence Is Broken'

> >it doesn't justify it, but you seriously shouldnt be too suprised when it
> >happens. Im just ssaying that despite his motivations for doing limited
> >copy
> >releases, he might be better off getting the money for his tracks unstead
> >of
> >leaving it to the bootleggers.
> this whole blame-the-artist thing makes me sick. blame the bootlegger.
> buy this crap, dont make excuses for the bootleggers, maybe they'll stop
> bootlegging releases that havent even been out of print for 5 years!
> copyrights exist for a reason, of course people should be surprised when
> some punk comes along and steals their chit!  especially when the market
> so small to begin with, it is a really brazen act of theft!
> >I MAKE music, Erin, of course I dont want people stealing it.
> you've previously said that you think all music should be free and artists
> should not be paid iirc?
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