All he said was that in limiting the supply, it creates a bigger market
for the bootleggers.
I would have thought this was pretty obvious, so why the controvesy?
He doesn't say that it's ok to bootleg because there's a market does

hmm maybe it is the limits of online communication, but i read it as a list of excuses/rationalizations for bootlegging -- my apologies to mistake the intent. altho i think the reasons for bootlegging are intuitive. yes when there is greater supply and a release is in print, it creates less of a market for bootlegging. obviously. i don't see what the point of stating the obvious was unless it was an attempt to justify bootlegging....guess i read too seriously..

I was discussing with my mates the rise of certain far right parties not
so far from here in the UK (we're voting atm).  I'm glad none of you
guys were along there, as we'd all be branded racists and accused of
voting for them just for discussing the reasons for their rise in
popularity.  Blimey.

i'm sure the reasons are a lot more interesting and less obvious than supply-demand. we all know how capitalism works.

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