I was at Tresor for the first time back in Feb, and it also took us an hour or two to figure out there were more rooms.  The basement is *insane*, has to be one of the most intense techno-related experiences anywhere.  Sounds like I need to go back and do a bit more exploring; I must have missed the Globus room completely...

The other great thing about Tresor is the cost.  10 Euros for Blake Baxter, Pacou, and a host of others I can't recall at the moment -- plus cheap beer. 

Did you stay at The Circus Hostel?  that place is amazing...

- jobot


----- Original Message -----


Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2004 7:56 am

Subject: RE: (313) new bits / Tresor

> >I have to say Alex this was my best gig ever becuase it was an
> ultimatedream come true and I loved
> >the feel of the dark vault and its sweaty walls, its such a
> contrast to
> upstairs and if Tresor ever goes it will be
> >a tragedy thats for sure.
> I'll bet Ian!
> yeah, that's some dark ass action they got going on down there.
> It's like
> some sort of torture vault or something.
> I have to say I liked upstairs though as well. Infact, I was in
> the pub
> last night and all my mates were pretty surprised that I thought
> it was so
> good... maybe it was because I was away and it all seemed
> different. I
> dunno, by the time I'd got to Tresor I'd been on a 24 hour non stop
> drinking bender. So my opinions are probs skewed.
> anyway I wrote a massive long post, I put a bit about tresor in so
> I c&p'd
> so you can see my opinions on it.
> "5am came and the club shut. The rest of our boys had headed to
> bed, but I
> wasn't really up for going home, so Mike and I thought we'd head
> over to
> Tresor to see if it was still open. Arrived there 5.30 ish, walked
> in and
> it was JUMPING!! Pretty gob-smacked really, wasn't expecting much
> at all,
> but it was hot. Grabbed some beers, found ourselves a little
> corner and
> spent an hour or so dancing away, watching the ladies go by. So,
> we were in
> this room on the ground floor, and thought this was it - I was
> surprisedthat the music wasn't really banging, I heard Metro Area
> 5 again in here,
> some other stuff that I'm guessing was sort of Kompakt style
> things and
> some kinda modern poppy italo electronic stuff which I didn't have
> a clue
> what it was. The dj couldn't really beat match that well, but was
> workinghis records and pretty much had the crowd eating out of his
> hand. Everybody
> was going pretty wild...
> It took at least an hour for us to realise that there was infact
> more rooms
> to it! The "Globus" room is quite thin, but very long with bars at
> bothends, the dj box in the middle, raised up. High ceilings
> didn't really
> affect the sound at all and there was all the usual kinda 'club'
> decorations in there... At one end of the room was a little door
> leading to
> a tiny back room that was also a bar. There was a great dj on in here,
> again playing a bit of everything, and a garden out back which I
> sat in for
> a while and listened to the chit the guy was playing. Nice selections.
> You had to go through this room to get to the famous Tresor vault.
> Down the
> stairs, past the merchandise stall and past another bar, there
> were some
> metal gates leading to the vault....
> Flippin 'eck! It was madness! Just a dark dark room (I couldnt see
> my hand
> infront of my face), a strobe, a low ceiling and it was packed
> with loads
> of mad german techno heads getting lost in the heavy heavy 'main
> room at
> Lost' kinda vibe. We spent a while down here. It was heavy s**t.
> Dark dark
> music, drum loops all the way, no melody, just driving hard music.
> I guess
> it could have been alot harder - UK heads, a Bicknell set in the
> main room
> at Lost was exactly what it was like.... They were using Ableton
> Live too
> when I popped over to have a look. I couldn't tell before I looked
> thoughwhich I guess was a good thing.
> so, anyway, we left tresor about 9.30 am and wondered the streets of
> Berlin, gazing at all the cool buildings in the basking sunshine.
> No map,
> didn't know where we were going but somehow ended up back on the
> street to
> out hostel. Stopped at the Petrol Station to find it sold beer!
> Happy Days!
> We stocked up, nipped back and changed our sweaty clothes and
> headed to the
> park to drink beer and smoke joints in the glorious sunshine."
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