I didn't mind it, not their best (by far) but I still enjoyed it. The
Prodigy are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me though, I still have a soft
spot for them as it was the early Prodge stuff that helped bridge me from
industrial to techno.

I agree with the "too noisy" bit though, maybe shoulda leaned off the
distortion a bit more often. :)

> Had a listen to this today... .not really my cup-o-tea tbh [although I
> am a big fan of the prodg - more their earlier stuff tho] all a bit too
> noisy for my liking... whats the deal with the track that samples
> thriller btw ? sounded like a major cop-out to me :(
> To quote what someone said to me earlier today "They should have let
> that keith bloke keep to his spaz dancing and not let  him anywhere near
> a mic... it all went downhill from then" .... made me chuckle anyway  :P
> peace,
> marc

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