oh wait. wasnt it Sextronica©?? damn you kenny Larkin! a new sub genre

on 7/22/04 5:39 PM, matrix313 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> yep! this may be one of the hottest releases in the Sextronic© genre since
> it's inception earlier this morning :^)
> DJ sleazy d
> on 7/22/04 5:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> all i can say to that is...
>> On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, matrix313 wrote:
>>> pssst....want to preview the artwork for the next Kenny Larkin project? a
>>> little something for the ladies :^)
>>> http://www.creativemf.com/clients/darkcomedy/
>>> (if anyone asks: you didn't hear it from me.)

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