Quoting robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> interesting questions: does techno have to move forward to still be
> techno?
> imo once a genre of music is established then it just goes through
> phases of recycling and incrementally improving/evolving.
> look at rock for example, a lot of the new bands now (say white stripes
> etc) are just tweaking stuff like the stooges. is that bad tho?
> and experimental for experimental's sake just missed the point of
> _dance_ music to me. it still has to have a groove or funk to it.

I'm very much with you here.  I remember when the Model 600 record came out,
there were people who faulted Juan for returning to a mid-eighties aesthetic,
saying it didn't do anything to advance the genre.

So what?  It was a damned good electro record.  It's probably logged more
"cruise" hours in my car than any other piece of music.

Moving forward strictly for the sake of moving forward often results in the
neglect of ideas that still have room for exploration.

When the old-school Detroit style is worn-out you'll know it, because they'll
start playing it on VH1.

Brian "balistic" Prince
http://www.bprince.com - art and techno

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