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Press Release

From: MagicMikeYoung WRCJ 90.9FM
RE: Stick It In Your Ear
AUGUST 23, 2004

As you well know WDTR is now WRCJ. This is the first step in a change of format that will include Classical, and Jazz music as the primary programming. This change of format was to have started in June 30th. Then said format change was to start August 30th. But because of circumstances unknown to the producers and staff the date of this format change is unknown. For the last 10 years I have produced “Stick It In Your Ear”. I thought it was an outrage that in the city that (“Detroit’s Gift to the World”) this music we call Techno was not heard on Detroit radio. I thought that it was an outrage that our homegrown musicians who are considered STARS in other parts of the world had no opportunity to have their music heard in the city they LIVE, WORK, and LOVE. Friday August 27th, 2004 will be the last “Stick It In Your Ear” show. I do not know what the future will bring. I will always support Detroit music, and musicians. At this point I don’t feel that WRCJ will have a place for this show. I also can no longer take the UNCERTENTY that surrounds my roll as producer, employee and representative of this radio station. The stress on me has been too much for me to take. Thank You all for the support and LOVE you have shown me, Alesia and WDTR. WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU ALL.


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