it's hardly Detroit's ONLY electronic music show.

On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, kj at technotourist dot org wrote:

> Take from:
> op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=616
> to bad...
> ---
> Press Release
> From: MagicMikeYoung WRCJ 90.9FM
> RE: Stick It In Your Ear
> AUGUST 23, 2004
> As you well know WDTR is now WRCJ. This is the first step in a change
> of format that will include Classical, and Jazz music as the primary
> programming. This change of format was to have started in June 30th.
> Then said format change was to start August 30th. But because of
> circumstances unknown to the producers and staff the date of this
> format change is unknown.
>   For the last 10 years I have produced “Stick It In Your Ear”. I
> thought it was an outrage that in the city that (“Detroit’s Gift to the
> World”) this music we call Techno was not heard on Detroit radio. I
> thought that it was an outrage that our homegrown musicians who are
> considered STARS in other parts of the world had no opportunity to have
> their music heard in the city they LIVE, WORK, and LOVE.
>   Friday August 27th, 2004 will be the last “Stick It In Your Ear” show.
> I do not know what the future will bring. I will always support Detroit
> music, and musicians. At this point I don’t feel that WRCJ will have a
> place for this show. I also can no longer take the UNCERTENTY that
> surrounds my roll as producer, employee and representative of this
> radio station. The stress on me has been too much for me to take.
>   Thank You all for the support and LOVE you have shown me, Alesia and

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