This list is pretty fine - I've had loads of help from people here - often beyond the call of duty. I've no desire to know, nor do I care what anyone gets up to in their spare time - all I care about is what come out of the speakers.

We humans aren't perfect but everyone on this list goes up to make it what it is and while we'll all never agree on every single issue - no one can accuse us of not caring. I do look forward to reading it every single day. I always take people as I find them and while I do have to spend some of my time listening to rumours, I always choose to ignore them and make up my own mind or I'll ask the individual outright.

I've already started saving for DEMF 2005, I want to meet the people here, share a beer, some food and some rather dodgy dance movies. So rather than spend our energy on shouting each other down and checking out who's got the biggest, why don't we organise a party for us all to meet, play and eat in 2005? We have enough time to make it happen and we have the people. I have some resources that I'm happy to share - what do you all say?


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