Not to sound like some kind of Miss Manners but the subject line sort of
sets the precedent for what is to come in the message don't you think?
I think it's fair to say that first impressions really were the determining
factor here.  What was to follow obviously could be read in many different
ways so clarity was of upmost importance from the get go.

That subject line does throw up a red flag I think.


                      "Stoddard, Kamal"                                         
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       "'Hardie, Nick'" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                     
            >               cc:       "313 List (E-mail)" 
                                               Subject:  RE: (313) [Fwd: FW: 
EAR techno declaration of an EU boycott and a       n END 
                      10/04/2004 11:58          TOEUROPEAN insourcing of TECHNO 

but surely to reply to an insinuation made in the subject or the footer and
disregard the explicitly personal nature of the entire message body is not
a way to gain an understanding of his motives. and all replies have been to
the nature of his motives. just think there's a lot of smoke being blown
about when the fire ain't that hot yet.

Kamal K. Stoddard
Turner Broadcasting Systems

 "Bebop was about change, about evolution. It wasn't about standing still
and becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about

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