Wow,  inspiring!  that sounds amazing.  Ive always
thought that these type of live performances would be
the future for electronic music.  because like it or
not laptops, synths, and turn tables are instruments. 
Or atleast have the capability of being used as such. 
But, Im probably preaching to the choire here.

--- Tosh Cooey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this, but last
> Thursday was a performance by 
> Narodniki in Berlin, which this time consisted of
> (Left to Right):
> Richie Hawtin
> Max Loderbauer (Sun Electric)
> Luciano
> Ricardo Villalobos
> Monolake
> Zip
> Scion/Vainqueur/Substance
> Cabane
> All played on their laptops, un-synched, at a tempo
> of 120 BPM, with the 
> exception of Monolake who was the conductor, or
> better the controller, who used 
> the mixer to determine which artists were being
> mixed with which and how.  Zip 
> and Ricardo also took a few moments to control.
> The best way to describe it is free-form laptop jazz
> orchestrated by a 
> perfectionist.
> You gotta love European arts subsidies.
> Tosh

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