I guess you need
to know Traxx to envision it, but if you do, then it fits.

Kicked off? Did i miss that story?

Sorry if I created any confusion. Just hypothesizing,

well you're probably not too far off, Traxx used to DJ on WNUR, way way back when... as did Derrick Carter. Also I agree that Dirty Criminals joint on Gigolo is worth checking, not all cuts are winners but there's enough good ones, it's raw -- Jungle Snake is the jam (sort of a re-edit the Kikrokos - Jungle DJ break as hammered by Ron Hardy). I imagine there will be a tour of some kind for sure, they are amped to play together.

But i wish i could make the typical station experience sound glamorous, ha.. he other 95% of the time DJing on the radio is largely a solitary experience, in a tiny dank studio with a crap mixer, usually blown monitor speakers, a mic box with no windows and you basically have no contact with the outside world, other than a few calls / IMs that trickle in of people who tell me they used to go to the warehouse or the Music Box.. one woman called is telling me she's 40 and was telling me Ron Hardy stories.. that was pretty cool. Then there's the guy who calls every week who is like a city building inspector downtown working the graveyard shift and every week requests Hercules - 7 Ways to Make You Jack. But hey, they're still out there...


Matt MacQueen

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