>Here's a good example. Francis (of this list) does a party called "That
Amazing Thing" in Manchester.
>Francis plays a lot of 313 techno, and techno sounding stuff.

Ah the perfect excuse to say I've updated our site without it being too spam

And this time it actually works (note to self, next time check this before
asking people to visit and give feedback).

I found I filled up my webspace quicker than I thought so at present the
audio is limited to 3 x 20/25 minute mixes

here:  http://www.thatamazingthing.com/sounds.htm

I could fit more on if I compressed more - at the moment I've got them at
64kbps 24kHz and don't really want to go further however I'm a complete
novice at this sort of thing - does anyone have any tips or views on what's

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