>Will it all go to damnation? Well... I seem to rember a certain musical
>style (or at least currents within it) found a fertile breeding ground in
>the grim mood of the 80ies when Reagonomics and the virtual bankrupcy of
>US due to the fight against the 'evil empire' (Does this sound familiar?)
>was weighing down big time on 'little folks'. Maybe these new 'dark' times
>people will find their escape in the music or use it as a vehicle to voice
>their oppinion/protest. In believe in these times some of the messages UR
>launched in the early/mid nineties really prevail, they even got stronger:
>"Do not allow yourself to be programmed"!

Well, that's all nice but how does that affect Roe vs Wade?
How does that affect the legal rights of non-citizens in the US?
How does that affect if they really do intend to re-instate the draft?
Music isn't going to save the American people from damnation...

tune into http://www.kfai.org/
they're running Democracy Now and talking about how the viloence is going
to step up quite a bit in Iraq because Bush doesn't need to worry about
approval ratings anymore
I'd hate to be there now and I feel for the soldiers and Iraqis almost


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