Hey all.  Jeff Samuel wanted me to forward his response to
the reviewer of his SF performance since he isn't subscribed
to the list.  Here you have it.

Tom Butcher

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 14:19:16 -0800
From: Jeff Samuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: (313) jeff samuals review/gear question (fwd)

Hi There,

A friend forwarded this review to me so I thought I'd make a short response.
While I don't have a problem with someone finding my set boring, I do feel
the need to address the 'lazy DJ' issue.  

When I approached the decks the master fader on the mixer was all the way up
with the level completely red, the channel levels equally hot, and the
Mackie monitor to my right blown out.  This left me with the tiny monitor to
my left that was already clipping.  Given the fact that this was an art
gallery with no 'sound guy', I couldn't really have turned the levels down
and turned the house sound up.  So, I had to wing it.  I was often spending
too much time trying to hear myself to appear 'less lazy'.  It is true that
one track did run out in the process though the next beatmatched record was
brought in before the next measure had even run out.  But hey, you can't win
em all. 

The truth is that I don't tour Europe and play like that, because these
conditions do not present themselves in Europe.  In any case, I thank you
for coming and dancing (footloose indeed!).  There's a partial mix up on my
site that is more typical of what I like to do with a couple of turntables.

All the best,

Jeff SamUEL

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