On Thu, 18 Nov 2004, Stoddard, Kamal wrote:

> Nice. So does the clip of sandstorm do it justice?

not in my opinion.

> Is there more that we're missing?

well, i cut it just as it was getting good, so thats my bad. sorry. but,
yeah, you get the jist of it. in my opinion, the whole record is top
notch. its just the C2 noodling i like. "neurotic behaviour" (which,
coincidentally, just got re-issued) being a prefect example of what i mean
by "noodling".

do i think its as good as neurotic behavior, at les, or other
nondancefloor related C2 cute, dunno. need to listen to it more.

do i think its better than most of the sessions from "More songs
about...".....  yup, i rekon so!

could it become classic for me... it certainly has the potential to.


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